Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts
Last Updated: 2024-04-30
100 S Virginia St.
Reno, NV
- 1 @ 400A Cam Lock tie in - USR - Lighting
1 @ 200A Isolated Cam Lock tie in - DSL - Audio
Loading In/Out
- elevator at street level (see 'Quirks' section)
Cable Runs
- FOH: 250'
Crossover: 200'
Pit: 200'
Mezz Rail: (no data)
House Ties
- Located SR and SL, as well as at FOH
Locations of Things
Dimmer Beach
Fly Rail
Venue Files
- this venue has an elevator instead of a loading dock. the elevator can hit 3 heights: truck level, street level, and stage level. Unloading trucks is straightforward, however loading trucks takes additional thought. you have to stage roadcases at stage level, in front of the elevator, in the reverse order of the truck pack
the elevator will bind if it's loaded unevenly (the locals have a lot of practice in loading it evenly). Each truck will probably be 3-4 elevator trips
most of the SR wing space is in front of the loading doors. putting both dimmer beach and ampland on SR may help load in/load out go smoothly
if you put ampland SR, you'll need ~150' of feeder to tie into the disconnect on SL
no orchestra pit lift. there's a truss on chain motors that is used to lower things into the pit
- house usually removes the 2 rows of seats in front of the mix position, to make more room for FOH
there's a smaller blackbox space behind the theater that's usually used for storage. it involves a push up a long ramp at stage level
Food, Drink, Coffee
- Sizzle Pie
Pine State Biscuits
Press Start
Death and Taxes
Eldorado Brew Brothers
Show Specific Notes